I'm Princess Fuxking Pie

I'm Princess Fuxking Pie
Just because You know my name,that doens't mean You know my game

31 July 2010

BR ❤

My fav
I got this from Gummi bear at the middle of the night
And I almost finish whole pint
Gosh....I'm going to gain fat like a pig soon
I ❤ it

30 July 2010

The Girl That Gave You A Story To Tell


去一个没有悲哀 没有伤感 没有仇恨 没有烦恼压力之类等等的地方

真的好想去走走 逛逛 散散心 旅行等等

我真的需要减压 哈哈哈哈

29 July 2010


知懂得要怎么让自己开心 知懂得要怎么让他人开心
一切就是很完美了 不过那并不如那么简单
有时候 我在想 该不该去要求或争取
但要求或争取 才能正正让自己活得开心活的幸福而已
尤其是女人 女人啊女人~~~~
最笨的是女人 最委屈的也是女人 什么对女人来说是一个解脱呢
问回我自己 我是个怎样的女人 该是最蠢的女人 又单纯的女人 笨女人吧!!!
是好事或是一件坏事呢 但我还蛮喜欢那样的我 哈哈哈哈哈
说到委屈 我就不愿当那么蠢,单纯,又笨女人了 很矛盾吧!!!!
我要当一个最开心最快乐的小女人 一句话:懂得怎么要求或争取的小女人

27 July 2010

Miss You @ Cake

I got another suprise from ♥ again!!!!
Wohooo ♥
This is what I wanted from yesterday and today the deliverly man send it to my office!!!!
The ♥ Durian cake from the most lovely person =')
*Miss you*
And A cup of Choco post on my FB wall from ♥


26 July 2010

♥ Virgo

If you are Virgo:

You appreciate honesty in your relationships. You like to dominate your relationships. You take great care of the person you fall in love with. The commitment level you show is very high in your relationships. You tend to be a slow, sweet lover. You know how to make your partner feel very special. Loyalty is extremely important to you in a relationship. You do not like public display of affection. You like to get mushy at times. You are protective about your relationships and do not like taking risks.

♥ Is that true?


选择她 并不是一个简单又容易的决定
情绪很多但我很镇定 因为我很投入所以没放弃
付出有可能看不到结果 因她让我觉得爱是对的
对彼此的爱有多少 我们该知道 又何必在乎他人怎么讲什么呢
有时候 好想说出我心底的话 但真得不懂得怎么去表达那所谓 XXX 所以选择忘掉 选择宽恕  好让自己过得更好一些

能不能把我不爱的画面去掉 能不能控制所谓的情绪 能不能不让我受任何委屈
好让我成为世界上最开心的小女人 最幸福的的小女人 最单纯的小女人 无优无虑的小女人


25 July 2010

Inception ♥

Lazy Sunday
I feel so restless
But still went out for movie with loves
Inception ♥
And with Tato boy ♥

24 July 2010

I ♥ Beach Life

Woke up in the morning 9am
And to get ready to beach with the hot sunny day
End up some of them still sleep like a pig Zzzzzzz
Poor my sweetheart cos she's sick
Dress code:White
I ♥ White
Having my lunch and b'fast @ bugis
Chicken rice
Took some random picture with my ♥
Ops....there another two ladygirl look so NIANG
Then heading to sentosa
It's so happening ♥
Finally beach with all ♥
But unfortunately there still left someone there
Anyway I'm Still happy
Beach @ music
Plus A bottle of Vodka
After went to Cafe del mar*part of sentosa
A very big swimming pool
Really want to jump into the pool
But I can't =(
White bikini girl with a big tummy
Tobe ♥ pic ♥ cat ♥ chriss
This is the most notty girl ♥
The most sexy girl ♥
The most cutie mek mek
And the beach boy*but she doesn't looks like
Yigloo yogurt ice-cream
Last day-sweetheart

23 July 2010

Arena_Clark Quay-Friday night

It's Friday
After work straight meeting my sweetheart at Jurong East IMM
Look at the top of my two picture
I look so tired but It's come with my lovely smile
I just can't wait to see you when I'm going to knock off
At IMM waiting for our shuttle bus
After that went home and prepare myself 1st meet them at sommerset
*The Handburger*
And all loves
*That moment when I on the phone with her =')
Two of us act-ing cute
Headed to Arena-Clark Quay
Am I look like drunkard With two bottle of Martell
1st of all we thought we could not finish up but end up xxx
Let's have some fun =')
Drink Drank Drunk
Bally again =)
And Vinz
Just reliaze that I never took the pic with my two little love
4th day_sweetheart
='( night but I'm happy and high =')
thx gal