I'm Princess Fuxking Pie

I'm Princess Fuxking Pie
Just because You know my name,that doens't mean You know my game

01 September 2009

I'm Fresh *hair style

i've been with long hair for 9 years and it's getting sickening,
no anymore long hair for me anymore,
but i miss it.
and i'm not used to it with short hair
there was a funny thing happend on my 1st day when i was getting to sleep,
i used to pull all my hair to the top of pillow and my silly laughed at me.
she asked me: why are u still pulling ur hair up since u already cut ur hair
i almost forget i'd cut my hair.*blush
anyway is time for me to change my hair sytle.
everyone was asking me,why why why........
actually i'd said i want to cut my hair since last years,
but now i did it.
New me~
Fresh enough~

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