I'm Princess Fuxking Pie

I'm Princess Fuxking Pie
Just because You know my name,that doens't mean You know my game

29 September 2009

Day by Day

Almost every morning when wake up i feel like very exhausted

i never sleep well since last two week
i'm exhausted.
i need a good rest
when i'll have it???

lotsa thing running in my mind.
i keep nonstop to think bout it,
when it'll stop it down

seems like nothing i can control,
but i'm the one under other control
it's joke

1 comment:

sony said...

When things fly around your mind this may because you are struggling, you are lost, you feel scared....
Sometimes you force yourselves harder, situation become worse....
When you have more expectations, things just go out of your expectations...
Just take a deep breath, let go and follow to your heart...
Just let it be...
Things will start to go smooth when you have a good rest and ready to face and manage any obstacles...
Manage things well instead of trying to ensure everything within your control...agree?
So...the first thing you gonna do is HAVE A GOOD REST and SWEET DREAM!!
Clearer mind will make you feel strong and ready for everythings...
Clearer mind will make an adorable gal even gorgeous, right?
Hope you can sleep tight tonight and everything goes well from tomorrow onwards~~~
World is colourful and joyful only when you feel hopeful!!